"Mr. Jun Nakamuro is best teacher who teaches us the best application of TPS. We have improved productivity 200% and quality is now 100% by Jun's direct leadership. I am very thankful for all these opportunities, thank you."

Asif Siddiqui

Manager in Charge Railway Operations , BFG

"Collin gave us inspiration to speed up our organization's journey. We learned a lot from the information that you shared to us during the benchmarking tour. We now are involved in developing team leaders and are guiding them."

Everando Hernandez

Director, Dole Philippines

Phil Hoff

Chief Operating Officer, Able Aerospace Services

"I’ve learned to look at myself and make personal change so I can help lead my people and empower them so they know they are the leaders of the company… They are learning on their own to get better—to make the company better."

Ensuring Sustainablity Through Leadership Development

"I am humbled by Sensei Nakamuro's teachings... It is not possible to describe in words the impact he has had on my growth as a citizen of the world and a servant of my patients. I am indebted to him for the knowledge he has shared."

Dr. Darren Migita

Medical Director, Clinical Standard Work

Laura Crooks

Director of Rehabilitation Services, Seattle Children’s Hospital

“By having that focus and then being able to make those changes, it means that we can get so much more done. And we can actually meet our goals rather than struggling.”

Strategy Deployment

"I asked Collin to be our mentor. He agreed only on the basis that we renew our commitment, and on the basis that it was limited to a year. He was confident that if we were committed it would be enough – it was. Cost reduction is approximately 30%, reduction of lead time in half overall, quality is up too because the employees are proud of their achievements and we have developed better processes."

Harley Ensing

COO, WhiteWater Industries

Jeffrey Avansino, MD

VP and Medical Director Surgical Services, Associate Surgeon in Chief, Seattle Children’s Hospital

“We learned a lot of valuable lessons and key learnings during our time in Japan. And what the really cool part about this whole experience has been is actually applying these lessons here in the workplace.”

Physician Engagement

"Jun is one of the rare individuals you come across in business that does everything he possibly can to help you in your personal business career.... I can best sum this up in an old American cliche. He doesn't take a man fishing so he can eat for a day. He teaches you to fish for yourself so you can eat for a lifetime"

Phil Hoff

COO, Able Aerospace

"Collin, was very knowledgeable in operations management and strategy. He helped me to focus my mind on to what was necessary; but, he also had the experience to be able to apply the knowledge in a variety of industries. He is definitely an expert in this area."

Dr. Sanjay Shroff

General Practitioner, Pharmacist

Make A Difference With Enna